Oberoi-one of the best hotel chains in the world.Which hotel would you stay at in Bangalore - The Oberoi or the Taj West End %26amp; why?
Taj West End - built over an area of 20 acres, this hotel provides luxury and comfort while maintaining the elegance and sophistication of the modern day. The hotel provides ranges of rooms / suites / villas to choose from and adds on the taste of Italian, Lebanese, Mediterranean %26amp; Indian cuisines to try on. The staff is extremely courteous and helpful with their service impeccable. You need to experience it to believe it.
there are quite a few sites that you can search that will likely show you great hotels at the best prices available. check out the website BookMe and you will be able to compare prices on all the reputable travel sites in just a couple minutes. it's very convenient and will save you a bunch of time and money. Also, make sure you buy them online... otherwise they charge much higher fees for phone orders. good luck.
Oberoi is best hotel in Bangalore having great swimming pool. You can book it here at -
choose oberai. Not to want to be at any spa whch is in outskirts. Totally silent
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